Blog Archive

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Apocalypse of Amfortas the Hippie

Where We Are

The Dream of the Black Pyramid
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Ruling Class as Predator/Husbandsmen
Hydraulic Despotism
Awareness of Class at the top eschelon
Yelling Stop
Club of Rome/Limits to Growth
The End of Growth
Grasshopper Cult
The Mindfuck
Books as Heresy/Decoration
Digital Knowledge more easily manipulated(Winston Smith)
Pragmatism replaces Metaphysics
Single Vision of Roszak
The Dream of the Black Pyramid

a Recurring Dream from my childhood, recurring over several years...6-13?
I am in the Goatweed at the Hill, around the Barn in the Moonlight....but there's no moon...only a few bright red stars, and an enormous utterly black pyramid to the west(but really everywhere).
My purpose here is to rescue the Kids(baby goats) from the Pyramid.
It represents some unutterable control for inhuman ends....
But there is nowhere to run or way to escape...
The Kids brush against the Goatweed, pale and somehow above our heads like a small low forest.
The leaves shiver at their touch and my heart breaks...such Tragedy! the Universe Ending!

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

supposedly written by one of the rothschilds, and left in the memory of an ibm copy machine sold at a yard sale in the late 70's, this document outlines the method of control to be used on the Masses.
It is most likely total bullshit...but I find it a useful thought-tool.
Imagine Human Society/Culture/Civilisation as a Four Dimensional Circuit Board...with thin wires soldered to various diodes and triodes, capacitors and transformers.
Time/Energy is represented by the Current that runs through that tangled mess...which is not really tangled at all, but understandable in it's complexity.
Restrict the Flow here, and it has effects over there.
The Light Touch in this manner is more effective than the Heavy Hand of the Dictator.
Ruling Class as Predator/Husbandsmen

The Exoteric View of the world is that there are no longer Classes in our society/civilisation...that all are equal and with inherent potential to move up or down the ladder/Pyramid due to hard work and excellence(meritocracy).
The Esoteric View is quite different.
The Masses are regarded as Cattle by the self appointed Elite/Aristocracy...with some factions therein being more benign than others.
Despite such differences in feelings for the Herd, all tend towards the Despotic....Cattle are not Pets, after all.
Hydraulic Despotism

Another Methodology of Control. Sit atop the Spigot that controls the flow of some vital it oil or water or information...and one controls those dependent on that resource. This is the Fundamental Business Model of the Elite. Monopoly/Monopsony/Transcendence/Universal Empire.


Unfortunately named Operating System of the Global Empire.
Every interaction is a Market Interaction. Souk Mentality as Mind Virus.
Contains within it TINA(“there is no alternative”), which makes it almost impossible to think/imagine in another way/outside the Framework.
Stability is all but impossible save for the Elites and their Upper Management.
No Homestead to retreat Mountain Redoubt...No Extended Geography of Meaning.
Shiftless, without a Past, Eternal Now=Short Term Horizon.
Human as Enterprise
Awareness of Class at the top eschelon

“Classless Society” is a Myth. The Elite are aware of this, and viciously protect their own Class Interests while pretending with one voice to Not Exist, themselves.
If We were aware of their existence, We would soon become aware of our own Class(es)....and become ungovernable.
This cannot be permitted.
Competition is for the Little People.
“Class Warfare” has become an epithet thrown at the throats of those few who step out of line and question Orthodoxy.
Yelling Stop

“To stand athwart History, yelling 'Stop!'”....the definition of Conservatism given by Buckley.
The Elite and their Machinery are inherently Conservative.
Innovation is dangerous and might produce their end as the Elite.(see: the Enlightenment)
Thus, Innovation must be controlled...preferably in the Silent Ways, since this must by necessity be a Quiet War, lest the Masses learn of it.
So the Panopticon/Matrix was built(by such controlled Innovation)...a prison for the Mind that doesn't look like a Prison, and is entered willingly...eagerly... by the Prisoners.
Contingencies are Unavoidable, the Light Touch is paramount. Influencing without appearing to Influence.
Club of Rome/Limits to Growth

An example of a Wild Contingency that got loose.
Science says that things cannot continue as before. We are killing the world, and ourselves...the contradictions in the Framework are building into a catastrophic fault that we could not hope to control.
Peak Climate, Peak Oil and other resources, and Peak Economics.
The Fundamentals are falling in on themselves.
The Takeaway?
The End of Growth

Human Kind has never experienced a lack of Exponential Growth. In aggregate, at least.
Sure, various societies and tribes and empires have come and gone in much the same way...up against the walls of their various petri dishes...but never the whole world.
Expansion is at the Root of all of our understanding about economy...from Hunter Gatherer to Global Empire.
We don't know HOW to shrink...or even to just Maintain a steady state.
What are the Elite to do?
Two choices present themselves: 1. engineer a humane, rational downsizing, while perhaps devoting resources to getting Off Planet. Or 2. Pedal to the Metal, Harvest all we can, and hope that we(the Elite) can ride it out in the Bunker/Mars Colony and emerge after the Burning Times to Rule a diminished Humanity.(see: Oryxx and Crake)

There has been little actual Growth since the 70's.
Just the Appearance of Growth/BAU.
It's all on Paper.
The Actual Wealth has been funneled to the Top, mostly unseen by the Masses.
Hypercomplexity is a Veil, concealing what's really happening.
Grasshopper Cult

The Elite...even the more Benign among them...have given themselves over to the religion of Moloch...(see: Howl, part 2, Alan Ginsberg).
It is a Lovecraftian Thing....a Mindless God...a God of Machinery...a God of Essential Avarice.
The Mindfuck

Someone saw a profit in this new internet thingy, and set it loose prematurely.
Near Disaster!...all the Secrets laid bare...the only option was an expanded generation of Confusion, such as had been perfected, pre-Web, by the various Spook Agencies. Since the Family Jewels were already out there, bury them in hangouts and misdirection...and an overlaying category of disbelief(“conspiracy theory”).
Meanwhile, repetitive redundancies construct several, apparently(to the uninitiated) competitive Orthodoxies...but no one really knows what to believe any more(save for the Elite, of course(see: Hubris, stalked by Nemesis))

Books as Heresy/Decoration

Digital Knowledge more easily manipulated(Winston Smith)

Part of the Mindfuck. No need for Book Burnings, or...eventually...Thought Police. One day, the Masses will live as Instruments for our use. “Human Capital”.
In the meantime, information...Ideas...simply if they were never there. Built on a sophistication of the ham-handed earlier efforts at suppressing Heresy(my public library back home had apparently never heard of Marx)
Parallel to all this, is Distraction built on Distraction. Divide them and rule.
From nationalism all the way down to football riots and rivalry, gay/straight(Bisexual erasure!), Black/White(Brown is still unacknowledged/see: Hispanic regarded as “white” in the Census, etc), Male/Female(gender fluidity is a dangerous idea, hence the engineered outrages).
Since “Truth” was exploded into a flock of birds, Division is easy...especially under the Aegis of Competition as the Highest Ideal.
Make them fight a Hobbsian War(all against all), while the Elite continue the Harvest, and build the Bunkers.
Pragmatism replaces Metaphysics

Such Cartesian Binaries cover over the Multifarious Rose. There is Only One way to see the World, and it contains different for each kind of Human Mind...but all pointing in the same direction(Orthodoxy)

The Single Vision of Roszak....the Machine itself sees the world this way....which is it's greatest weakness. Walling itself in to Certainty.
The Unexpected....the the greatest Threat. Not the “Known Unknowns”...but the Truly Unknown.
The Anomaly, unlooked for, because we don't know where to look for it, or even what to look for...
Such Anomalies arise from ferment, from wild experimentation.
They can quickly get around and subvert the various mechanisms of Control...metastasise uncontrollably.
But by their very Nature, they often cannot be prevented or easily channeled into a more manageable course/rut/circuit.
Ergo, Geniuses that arise within the Herd must be co-opted/pressed into service...or, barring that, ridiculed and destroyed.
Press on already existing buttons in the Mind of the Herd(Cognitive Biases) to provoke the Cassandra Syndrome, thus nullifying the Wild Genius.
Or merely “Uncomfortable”.
Make the Wild Genius into the Other, and unconscious habit takes over: problem solved.


The “Left” has been made into the mirror image of the Right: reactionary, self-righteous, orthodox, dogmatic.
The “Real Left” is only marginally better...always on the defensive, and wary of allies, lest they turn out to be Agents(see: Matrix)...ergo, powerless and unable to Brainstorm effectively. Aware that all lines of communication....of “Finding the Others”...are compromised(who really knows?)...Suspicion grows like weeds in the interstices, blocking our view of the whole.

I intend to fill out these thoughts in book form.
Print it myself(somehow).
And secrete it in college libraries where it will be randomly found and spread by those most likely to be receptive.

“Heretic”= “eretikos”, Greek, “Choice Maker”.
“apocalypse”=”apo kalypsos”, Greek, “rending of the veil in the temple that conceals the holy of holies”