Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Winter is tiresome...even Painful.
This Winter was no less....and even more,
being unusually cold .
A constant battle, with pipes and wood,
and fires and high-dollar propane, ice,
.. and temperatures below 20 for days; windchill,-10.
...and all this in too much clothing.
And Pain.
Suddenly, it's Warm...70-80...
Like waking from Hibernation...
but without feeling rested.
(Geese are mating...avian Saturnalia in the kiddy-pool...
(there is always a cheering section, with Geese))
My list is long.
Manure is required...
the Anticipation of Green, after Winter's Browns.
I forsee Problems with the Food Supply.....
Ergo, the Garden must be Large.
...and I must find time for the Forge.
Collected the scattered pieces of me....I Remember, again.
And I am almost breathless, with Potential...
Slowly Thawing.

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